I can't believe that it has been over a month since I blogged anything, but I have gotten better at facebook. I have been busy with holloween costumes and such so I am very sorry for not noticing my lack of communication earlier.
Everything is good, I go to the Doctor's tommorrow and if this last set of blood test come out clear than that the end of my liver issues. I am keeping my fingers crossed. I have been feeling better since my colonoscopy though, so that's good. At this point I think it's just menopause and old age finally cathing up to me. So to beat it at it's own game, I colored by grey. Yes, I know I said I wasnt going to anymore, but YTH, it took ten years off me. Better , and cheaper than Botox.
I am looking forward to Jeremy comming for a visit this week, I have a few fun things planned. I will let him tell everyone about it afterwards. I don't want to ruin any of the surprises.
Candice is loving her PR course at Loyalist. They did a United Way fundraised last week and made $2000.00 from the class playing Deal or No Deal with the students. She was happy with their results. She has to start planning for another one in May. This one is going to be an Art Show featuring local female artist, so there will be alot of work involved so she proberly have to quite her job at Wal-mart and put all her efforts into this. It looks like she already has her internship with Girl Guides of Canada, at their main office in Toronto and it is looking very good for her to actually get a job with them out of this. But then she can alway change her mind before the spring.
I will try to do better with the blogging, but it is hard with the weather being so nice and the amount of time I already spend indoors sewing, something has to be aside until the cold weather gets here so I hope everyone understand. Until next time.