Sunday, August 24, 2008

Mr sun, sun, Mr golden sun, please shine down on me. Yes finally a day of sunshine, I woke up with my sinuses acting up, they haven't bothered me in quite some time. I took a benadryl and it totally knocked me out, got up at 8, fell asleep on the couch at 10, Garry woke me up at 1 to see if I was going to spend any time in the pool. I went out and fell asleep in the sun, Candice woke me up at about 3.30, Yes I got sunburned, not bad though, came in and Garry went out and go chinese food for supper, fell asleep on the couch again around 6, woke up at 9.30 went to bed and didnt get up until 8 this morning with a headache that feels like a hangover. No more benadryl for me. and yes my sinuses are still bothering me. but i think i will let mother nature take its course today and make sure there are no more drugs in my system before i take anything else. it looks like it is going to be another nice day today, a little cloudy but very humid so i am ok with that, i can still enjoy the pool and this time i wont have to worry about burning an top of my burn.


Alberta said...

Oh Brenda....Benadryl sure does a number on your system! Hope you can shrug off the fuzzies that come with something like that and actually enjoy the day. It's a beautiful weekend here after our heat wave last week followed by 2 very cool nights of 8'.

New MrsIngram said...

It was gorgeous our way all weekend, could have certainly used a dip in the pool .. well if we owned one of course!