Sunday, April 20, 2008

As I am taking my patio furniture outside since it was like a billion degress here yesterday, I took a few minutes to check the news and see the snow dumped on our relatives to the West and felt bad for all of you. I was very happy to finaly see some sun and get outside in it. I hope it doesnt stay too long and you see some sort of resemblance of summer soon.
Candice has an interview Thursday with Girl Guides, so I need all the prayers we can get to help her out. Her resume is nothing to sneeze at and she has alot of volunteer experience but a little divine intervention never hurt anybody. I am going to do what Grandmere always did in cases like this and I am going to light a candle today at chruch for her. I know Candice is cringing right about now as she reads this line. I am playing into all the sterio type organzied religious stuff she likes to rant on about. Sorry pooky, but it always worked for Grandmere.


Alberta said...
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Anne said...

Good Luck to Candice on her interview. I will be thinking of her.

New MrsIngram said...

Good luck Candice .. sending good vibes!